Basic Hacks of Digital Marketing

Before going to Hacks of Digital Marketing, we should first know what Digital Marketing is. So if we talk in layman’s language Digital Marketing is promoting anything online. In today’s world everyone is using the phone for doing every activity whether they wanna eat something or wanna talk to someone they prefer only on phone because of the excess usage of digital platforms and gadgets digital marketing has become more important than traditional marketing at all. If you wanna promote your business online you should know about Digital Marketing.


Digital marketing consists of basically 4 pillars.

1. Search Engine Optimization- Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the process to improve a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, binge, etc. There are three types of SEO

(i)On page SEO (ii)Off-page SEO (iii) Technical SEO

(i) On page SEO- When the SEO is performed on the website basically at the back end of the website,  it includes optimization of meta title, optimization of meta description, optimization of Urls, optimization of content, including alt text on all images, optimization of images etc.

(ii) Off page SEO- When the SEO is performed on websites other than on your own websites, it impacts in the rankings on the google. It includes making backlinks or link building on other websites, submission of pdfs on other websites, submission of images on other websites etc.

(iii) Technical SEO- When the SEO is performed to increase the performance of website like speed, crawlibilty, performance, mobile friendly design etc.

SEO is a long process it takes time to show rankings on google.

2. Search Engine Marketing or Pay per click- Search engine marketing or pay per click is in digital marketing is an online advertising model in which a business promoter pays for the advertisement as google shows their website on top and charges pay per click from the business promoter or owner. Google charges fees for giving views, traffic, clicks and promotion.

3.Content Writing- Content writing is marketing approach that involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. The primary focus of content writing is to provide relevant information to the users or audience. 

4.Social Media Marketing- Social Media Marketing includes promotion of brands, products and services on social media platforms like Facebook,Instagram,Twitter etc. Nowadays social media marketing has become the most popular way to promote a business, nowadays business prefer influencer marketing which means they pay a social media influencer to promote their product or services the influencer makes videos using their product so that the followers of the influencers get influence from them and buy the products or services. 

Digital Marketing

Basic Hacks of Digital Marketing

1.Optimize your website for search engine- SEO is a long time process as we discussed above, while performing SEO we have to consider many aspects like optimization of images,URL,meta titles, meta description, images etc, for making this process easy we can use Rankmath, Rankmath is a useful SEO plugin for wordpress by using it we can easily optimize our website as it includes all the features of SEO- on page seo analysis, XML sitemap, Rich snippets, Focus keywords, schema markup etc.

2.Keyword Research- I think keyword research is the main part of a SEO project, every SEO project is nothing if we dont use the keywords on which we want to rank the  website on search engine, and if we are not optmized our pages according to the searches of google we will not succeed in SEO or in our rankings.Google processes about 40,000 searches per second. That works out to about 3.5 billion searches per day. This will give you more keyword data for analysis. For use Google Keyword Planner for your keyword research and optimize your website according to those keywords. Google keyword planner is a free tool that gives nearby exact results about keyword research.

3. Quality Content- Content is the king in Digital marketing if your content is relevant according to the search of the user or your content fulfill  the queries of user then your page will definitely get a high rank on search engines. Don’t ever try to upload duplicacy data or Artificially generated data as this will have repercussions on your website and effect your website’s rankings.You can get idea from chat gpt or AI tools and can gather information of the content on which you will write the content, be real while writing the content and try to provide relevant data to the users or audience. 

4. Use Social Media- Social Media is one of the important factors in Digital marketing.As we discussed above that everyone is using social media nowadays excessively so we can easily reach to the wide range of people or users by the medium of Social media. Make the accounts of your business on social media like Instagram,Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest etc mention your website on your social media platforms and try to generate traffic from them.Social media stands out as the most effective and not least important promotional tool. Used in the right way, it can effortlessly generate leads and attract customers to your business. Hubspot is the tool by using it we can easily handle our all social media platforms at a time.

5. Discounts and Offers- One of the smartest hack and this has been going on since the days of traditional marketing is the discounts and offers, while advertising your product or services one should give discounts or offers on the product or services this will definitely trigger the mind of interested buyers. For encouraging the buyers firstly you have to tell buyers about specifications and features of your product and also conduct the benefits of your product purchasing and encourage them by giving them discounts and offers, this will encourage them to tell about your product to others and this will can bring more customers to your organization or business.So this is how discounts and offers can use in Digital Marketing to grow your business.

6. Attractive landing page- Landing page is a page where a user lands on your website or a page of website after clicking on your posted ads. So the landing page experience of user should be well for this you have to make a perfect landing page because it will the first impression of your website, for making it attractive the data on landing page should be sort , informative , relevant and should have call to action buttons for engagement of users, landing page should also have a form with some questions asking about name,number and email address because it wll be a genuine lead for us, the chances of conversion of that lead will be high.

7. Answer Questions-Digital Marketing provides two way communication between digital marketers or business and customers which means the customer or user can easily communicate with marketer. Solving user’s questions or queries about your business should be done as soon as possible because this shows the dedication of your company and how much you are there to support the users.

An FAQs section is also should be there on your website relating to your services or products. Users need knowledge about you to build trust in you. It’s really important to answer common questions in the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) part of your website. This helps people get to know you better and understand what you’re all about.

These all are the basic hacks of Digital Marketing and for more visit


Q1.What is digital marketing?
Ans 1. Digital marketing is the use of online channels, such as social media, search engines, email, and websites, to promote products or services.

Q2.How can I create engaging content?
Ans.2 Understand your audience’s needs and preferences. Use a mix of text, images, and videos. Tell compelling stories, address pain points, and provide valuable information. Consistency is key.

Q.3 What is the role of video content in digital marketing?
Ans3. Video content is highly engaging and can boost your digital marketing efforts. Create informative, entertaining, or instructive videos for platforms like YouTube or social media to connect with your audience.

Q4. How can I improve my website’s visibility on search engines?
Ans 4. Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and ensuring your site is mobile-friendly. Additionally, focus on obtaining high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

Q5.How can I measure the success of my digital marketing efforts?
Ans5. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, and social media engagement. Analyze the data regularly to make informed decisions.

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