SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) 

seo search engine optimization

1 What is SEO?

How Many Types Of SEO?
On Page : It develop the content of the website enhance the content and after that recognize the content and check whether it is relatable to the users question and if it completely relatable and unique then it will get rank and provides the positive and favorable user experience to the people.
Off Page : it also helps in ranking but it works for the website on its back . Through back it supports the website in ranking and utilize on various social platforms and helps in getting high domain authority.

What is SEO

It stands for search engine optimization which helps the website rank organically means without even spend a single penny website will rank means in an organic way and it takes time but it provides various strategies to the person to work on it and then it ranks on google first page  

SEO image

Why is it important?

It plays a very important role in digital marketing as it helps in making the  website more noticeable and brings  more and more traffic and one thing that we need to keep in mind is that while doing this thing  content should be unique and ,remarkable and capture the users early.

Google gives ranking to those which has unique and relatable content and helps in the development and maintain the trust and make the identity of your own website which automatically increase the ranking in the seo.

It establish good relationship and long lasting online existence and one of the main reason why seo is important as it traffic which comes organically will be highly valued and the one who will do in a good way  will definitely win in this online digital world .

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How Many Types Of SEO?

 Basically we have two types of SEO and the name is on page  and another one is off page.

Off page and On page SEO picture

On Page SEO :

It develop the content of the website enhance the content and after that recognize the content and check whether it is relatable to the users question and if it completely relatable and unique then it will get rank and provides the positive and favourable user experience to the people.

On page  is very significant because it needs the content which has a very good quality google always give priority to the content which has a quality and uniqueness. 

On page seo techniques

Content should be 100 percent unique and always use different headings in the content like H1,H2,H3 which highlights the topic in a systematic way and include the links which is internal and external . 

By setting up of link in the content gives users the opportunity to find and read the overall content in a easy way and also brings traffic so providing of links in  on page seo is good and with the help of external linking you maintain the good relations with different people and it shows that how good you are in your industry .

 More techniques of on page are researching of keywords are very important in SEO as selection of keywords automatically impacts on ranking part keyword should be relatable . 

Another word is descriptions and the name is meta title and descriptions means meta title basically describes the relevancy related to your point . Meta description basically tells the short explanation about your overall page that what your page is actually about and it depends the more attractive the meta title and description is the more and more users will be attracted and more number of click will increase the (CTR )click- Through Rates .

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SEO Techniques

 Good quality backlinks maintain good level of trust and increase awareness of your brand and make it believable.

Some activities of Off page backlink activities includes social bookmarking and classified posting, image sharing , profile creation and one of the good and the best activities of off page that i highly recommend is guest posting.

 The another we called it for guest posting is guest blogging and the aim to do guest posting is to get rankings and quality backlinks because guest posting may take time to approve but once it approved it gives the ranking very fast as compared to other activities . 

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Another and one of the main i prefer is quora which is a very good activity for off page. Quora has a very good domain authority of 93 and the activity which you need to do in quora is Quora question and answer doing this will definitely helps in ranking.

Submissions are very important in off page activity for ranking and  many more activities is included in off page but some of the main activities has mentioned which is beneficial for website as well as ranking.

another thing that you should keep in mind while doing seo is that following the google protocols while doing  is very important . 

It is very important as we get more and more traffic from the search engine  which is google which gives maximum traffic when we do  in a good way  and follow the protocols so in this blog all the activities which is good for ranking has included and  its importance ,types and techniques has covered.


SEO as we all know it is known as search engine optimization and plays a very important role in the field of digital marketing without even spend a single penny we will able to increase traffic of the website , helps in maintain the trust and helps in getting the good user experience. it also provides many techniques which basically helps in ranking and we have two different categories of seo that is on page seo and off page seo which also helps in ranking and increase the visibility of website . SEO is a very good part of digital marketing which gives a long way success to the user


1.How many types of SEO basically in digital marketing ?

Basically two types:

On page SEO

Off page SEO

2 Which types of backlinks activities mainly helps in ranking?

Guest posting is considered as one of the top activity in backlink activities and some other activities are infographic submissions and ppt submissions also considered as the good activity.

3 How on page and off page are different from each other ?

On page SEO basically supports the website with its back and off page SEO supports the website with its back.

4 Which type of content google ranks and gives priority?

Google gives priority to only those which has unique content and should be relatable which helps in increase the user experience.

5 Is it necessary to optimise or update the content of SEO on regular basis or we can do it rarely?

We need to optimise the content on regular basis and update the SEO content on regular basis for ranking.

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