Search engine marketing tips 

Introduction to sem (search engine marketing)

search engine marketing tips

 Search engine marketing is one of the strategy of digital marketing its main goal is to  generate traffic by paid advertisement it shows on serp ( search engine result page) like Google,Yahoo,bing,yandex etc. It focuses on your website appear on the top of the search engine 

The most common ads for sem is ppc (pay per click) where advertisement is on a specific keyword it based on bid. advertiser pay when someone click on their ad .

History of search engine marketing

According to google, search engine marketing start with the launch of the first website which is published in 1991, or perhaps when the first web search engine launched, the story of SEO “officially” begins a bit later around 1997

What is seo and how it different from sem?

Seo stands for search engine optimization it focuses on improving website visibility organically (non-paid) but it takes time to improve website by on-page, off- page seo goal of seo is improve website content itmakes website more attractive and on other side sem which gives you immediate result by paid advertising 

What is search engine marketing ads

Sem ads refers to ads which shows on serp(search engine result page) advertiser mainly use Google ads it mainly used for awareness of brand, generate leads, promotion of products and services etc. these ads based on keywords and advertiser had to pay when user clicks on the ad

This is an example of how a ad show on serp

Types of search engine marketing ads

There are mainly two types of search engine marketing ads

  • Paid search advertisement : paid search advertising also known as ppc(pay per click) advertiser pay when user click on ads
  • Display ads: display visual ads on website these ads include image,text.

Importance of search engine marketing

3 important points

1 Results: sem gives you quick results by paid advertising on search engine as compared to seo it gives you organic result but it takes too much time so, if your business is new and you want to generate traffic as early as you can you can use sem.

2 increase visibility: it increases your visibility as anyone search related to your business services or products they can see your website on top of serp 

3 awareness of your brand : if your website is on the top of search engine people who search related to your services, products and business they are aware of your brand it will increase your brand value 

search engine marketing tips

1      objective of campaign: define clear objective to sem campaigns whether it’s increasing traffic on website ,generate traffic , generate leads, increase sales etc

2 keyword research : found keyword related to your business

Tools for keyword research are keyword planner, semrush etc.

3 landing page with high quality : create a good landing page with high quality as high is your quality of your ad . ads  will show on the number 1 in the search engine.  make sure your ad is relevant to your landing page.

4 target audience: reach to your target audience by detailed targetting of demographics choose location you can also exclude locations if you don’t want your customers from a particular area.

5 Targetted audience: identify and targetting the right audience by detailed targetting demographics, behaviour, interest by keyword selection , device targetting etc

6 negative keywords :  negative keywords are irrelevant to your products or services for example if you sell gold jewellery then silver jewellery and artificial jewellery are negative keywords . find out negative keywords so that you don’t waste your clicks on it . 

Negative keywords can also be adjusted by changing of trends and by change of seasons so , that your clicks is not wasted on non- targetted audience or irrelevant audience 

7 remarketing: remarketing is a strategy to targetting those audience who have visited your site but have not converted 

8 analyse your competitors : determine who are your main competitors , identify the keywords targetting by your competitors evaluate the keywords and access their relevance to business , analyse your competitors landing page check how your landing page is different to your competitor

9 Ad rank improvement: improve ad rank by improving quality score, landing page transparency , ad relevance ,ctr improvement .

10 bid management: monitor and adjust your bids according to ads performance, competition, performance goals.

11 stay updated :  sem platform frequently updated so, updated about the trends and algorithms of sem

12 ad testing: regular testing of ad and analyse the performance of          

the ad and refine your strategy according to the performance 

13 geo targetting: refine your targetting based on geographical locations 

14 compelling ad copy: create ad copies highlighted with usp(unique selling proportion) with call to action button.

15 ad extension: use ad extension for additional information and encourage more clicks ex – site link it’s increase your ads relevance as well as visibility.

Advantages and disadvantages of search engine marketing


  • visibility: sem provide immediate visibility on search engine result page
  • quick results: sem  gaves you quick results by paid advertising as well as it gives you impressions , clicks leads, convertions 
  •  control: you can control your bidding strategy also you can control your campaigns
  • awareness: people will aware of your brands know about you and your business your products, services 
  •  opportunity to remarketing: sem gives you remarketing opportunity people who come to your website but not converted to you you have opportunity to remarketing those people


  •  cost : sem is based on paid advertisement  it cost you amount according to your quality score , bid amount and other factors.
  •  fraud click: sometime some fraud clicks can occur which waste your  clicks as well as your amount they are not your genuine customers 
  • short – term : sem is for short term for long term period you have to use sem as well as seo as seo is a lengthy process it takes time but it gives you organic result for better response of website you can use both of them.
  • new update: sem platforms are flexible it will updated frequently so, you have to updated about the new updates,trends .
  • ad fatigue: target audience already know about your ads and they do not engage in the ad anymore they are also tired by seeing the same ads regularly.


Sem ads is better when you want to aware people about your products, services,brand it helps to generate traffic, generate leads, conversions pay per click is common for sem ads  it shows on serp advertiser had to pay when user click on the ad Google is the most used platform for sem ads  for sem ads create better  landing page , selection of keywords by keyword planner or any other tool also select negative keywords so that you don’t waste your clicks.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

1 meaning of sem ?

Search engine marketing is one of the strategy of digital marketing its main goal is to  generate traffic by paid advertisement it shows on serp ( search engine result page) like Google,Yahoo,bing,yandex etc. It focuses on your website appear on the top of the search engine 

2  what is sem ads?

Search engine marketing ads refers to ads which shows on serp(search engine result page) advertiser mainly use Google ads it mainly used for awareness of brand, generate leads, promotion of products and services etc. these ads based on keywords and advertiser had to pay when user clicks on the ad.

3 types of sem ads?

There are mainly two types of search engine marketing ads

Paid search advertisement : paid search advertising also known as ppc(pay per click) advertiser pay when user click on ads

Display ads: display visual ads on website these ads include image,text.

4 difference between seo and sem?

Seo stands for search engine optimization it focuses on improving website visibility organically (non-paid) but it takes time to improve website by on-page, off- page seo goal of seo is improve website content it

makes website more attractive and on other side search engine marketing which gives you immediate result by paid advertising 

5 why sem is important to your business?

search engine marketing gives you quick results by paid advertising on search engine as it increases your visibility as anyone search related to your business services or products they can see your website on top of serp if, your website is on the top of search engine people who search related to your services, products and business they are aware of your brand it will increase your brand value.

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