The Main 5 Pillars Of Digital Marketing

Pillars of Digital Marketing:

Everyone is going into the digital marketing field in which you will have to follow some fundamentals. Digital marketing is full of strategy and well structured, if you wanna grow your business online so before that you must have knowledge about the fundamentals of digital marketing.
In digital marketing you should know about the digital marketing pillars, the main 5 pillars of digital marketing are Website, SEO, Content, Ads and Social Media.
If you want your brand to go ahead and spread in every place, you have to follow these 5 main pillars so that your brand gets attention in the market and it grows fast.

The website- one of the most powerful pillars of digital marketing to grow in a digital world, you must have a website for your business and for your brand, without a website you can’t stand in the digital world.
The website helps your business and brand to grow faster on search engines, and it also increases your conversion rate. Website helps to build your online presence in the market and will give you the opportunity to connect and engage with real audiences.
Website is an excellent platform to showcase your brand and business, and one of the easiest ways to provide services and products. Website is one of the most powerful pillars of digital marketing.
What if the user not getting any satisfy information from your website, important things to mind for a user friendly website:
- The site must give an introduction about your business and brand.
- The website should have a message about your brand.
- Your website should have good quality content and an attractive and easy structure.
- Your website should be informative.
- The website should be mobile friendly also.
- The website should be error less.
Optimization is a must for a website.
SEO(Search Engine Optimization):

When the website part is completed after that the second pillar which comes is “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO is the most important part in digital marketing.
You will not be surprise if I say that SEO is one of the finest pillars of digital marketing & a perfect way to increase the link clicks of your website and increases the CTR.
SEO is the fastest way to help your website to get rank on search engines, if you follow the ranking factors of SEO it will help to gain more traffic for your website and it also increase your conversion rate.
There are three types of SEO which are on-page, off-page and technical seo, these three parts are compulsory to perform to get better results from search engines for your website.
SEO is one of the pillars of digital marketing who grows your visibility on search engines. Every part of the SEO plays a different role, in on-page seo you will have to work on ranking factors like- headings, alt-text, content, external and internal links, images, do-follow and no-follow.
If you want to gain trust of search engines you have to work on off-page seo in which you have to do link building, putting backlinks on other websites, Google trust on your website on the basis of your domain authority and page authority. Off-page seo helps to increase your domain and page authority.
If you want to rank your website on Google’s first page so for that you must have a good domain and page authority.
And the last one is technical seo which helps your website to remove all the errors and helps to optimize so that you will get more good results without having any errors. Technical seo also helps to make a user friendly website.
There is one of the best pillars of digital marketing who notify your customer time to time, that is E-mail Marketing.

Content is a king in digital marketing. Content is one of the pillars of digital marketing in which you have to be creative. Good content attracts users to know about your brand and business. If you want people to know and learn about your business you have to be creative in content.
If you have a creative mind so you can create good blogs for your website, content plays an important role in digital marketing. How to attract users on the basis of your content:
- Play with people’s emotions.
- Use power words like: best, ideas, money etc.
- Questionable content, write questionable content so that people should be forced to ask questions.
- Write a content so people start engaging with your business.
Social Media:

Social media is one of the strongest pillars of digital marketing which is free to access and gives a big opportunity to connect to the large numbers of audience.
Social media is a good platform to engage, to showcase and build community for your brand and business, you can leave a mark among the world. Social media is a platform in which you can easily interact with people that leave a good image of your brand. Interactions make people feel familiar and connected with your brand and build trust in your services.
In social media you have to take a step first to interact with people, you have to show the interest to your customers and also the potential customers.
this is one of the pillars of digital marketing in which you should know about the right platform to post the type of content.
By making social media campaigns you can go to a large audience and can also make a community so that people can discuss with each other on any kind of topics, give the audience the right to ask and give feedback on your brand.
Giving reply to negative feedback from your audience also increases the chances of building trust in you and your brand.
Whatever you post on social media plays an important role to reach out to your audience, here are the channel who will give some tips about how you can create AI posts for your social media.

Ads is the oldest form to spread your business among the people, it is also older than other pillars of digital marketing. People used to run traditional marketing. Before digital ads people used to run ads on newspaper, magazines and used to print ads but now in digital marketing it also becomes part of awareness about your brand.
You can use different platforms to run your ads like: google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube and many more. Ads help to boost your business faster than the other platforms.
By using ads you can target the audience very easily.
When you run any ads of your brand or business you should have knowledge about how to analyze the result, how to target the right audience, what kind of content you should use as your ads and how to connect emotionally to the audience so that they can buy or ask something.
Ads is one of the pillars of digital marketing which is all about the choosing right platform for running ads. Ads are quite expensive but give your good results and better conversion rates.
Important things to keep in mind when you run any ads digitally:
- The budget of your ads.
- Know your audience like: behaviour and preference. Choose your audience correctly.
- Choose the right platform for your ads.
- Creative content so that people will engage with your brand.
- Target your potential customers.
- Check insights Before running any ads.
If you want to grow and promote your business you must have a knowledge about the main 5 pillars of digital marketing. There are more pillars in digital marketing but these five are the most important parts.
For promoting your business on a google you must have a website, then for getting rank on search engine page you must perform SEO, then you want people to attract so must have a good content, if you want to engage with people do social media marketing and the last thing if you want quick results so just run ads.
These all 5 pillars of digital marketing are connected with each other and the best ways to increase your visibility in digital marketing.
Q- What is the local seo?
As we know the SEO is one of the most power pillars of digital marketing, Local seo refers to the seo which increases the visibility in a local search ranking. In local seo the most used keyword is “near me” ,for ex- restaurant near me, cafe near me, shopping store near me etc.
Q- What is CTR?
CTR (clickthrough rate) means the total number of clicks you get by ads or from organic search divided by the total number of impressions(number of ads shown by user).
Q- Difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing?
Digital marketing- it’s a platform in which the owner provides services, products and promotes their businesses online.
Traditional marketing- traditional marketing refers to the marketing in which owners do interact with people personally.
Q- What are the 3 pillars of digital marketing?
- E-mail marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Mobile marketing
Q- How to target the right audience in Facebook ads?
To check the right audience:
- Check insights.
- Survey.
- Target previous audience.
- Pole.
Q- Name any three types of ads you can run?
- Display ads.
- Social media ads.
- Paid search advertising.