4 Best Digital Marketing Techniques And Tools You Must Know

digital marketing @piccatech

In our fast paced and ever evolving digital marketing world, various businesses are looking for different opportunities to connect with their audiences and grow with them and in return with their support grow their businesses. 

In such a world digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for the business owners which help them to grow and connect with their respective audiences in different ways but the concept of digital marketing has its own techniques and tools which we are going to discuss 4 techniques and 4 tools of digital marketing which are just a few among many included in digital marketing so let’s get started with this.

What is Digital Marketing ?

Digital marketing is basically a broad range of online strategies and techniques which are designed to connect the business to consumers or allow them to contact them directly to the consumer without any mediation unlike traditional marketing. A business can connect with the consumer with many different means like search engine ads , video ads , various offers etc.

4 Techniques Of Digital Marketing –

  • Search Engine Optimisation. ( SEO )
  • Email Marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing. ( SMM )
  • Content Marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation –

digital marketing

According to Google SEO remains a cornerstone in the digital marketing world, this particular technique enhances a user or business’s website’s visibility in the marketing whether its on SERP ( Search Engine Results Page ) or when a user simply search about a product or services they are offering which helps them to grow themselves in the market. SEO helps a business to grow themselves organically without any dependence on any paid source. There are 3 different types of SEO-

  1. Technical SEO
  2. On-Page SEO
  3. Off-Page SEO

Technical SEO – 

This technique includes optimising the technical side/aspect of the website. This includes basically taking a website and finding any possible errors or any abnormalities on the website through software such as Screaming Frog.

On-Page SEO-

This technique includes optimising the content that is available on the website, this practice does two things for website increase in SEO score and provides high quality content for websites which in turns help in increasing business’s visibility on internet.

Off-Page SEO-

This technique includes building backlinks and gaining exposure through different kinds of brands, channels or any other social media platforms. This technique helps immensely in growing and expanding a business in digital marketing world.

Email Marketing-

digital marketing
email marketing

According to Google email marketing is a form of digital marketing technique that uses email to connect with both potential and already consumers of any businesses. It is one of the most popular techniques of digital marketing simply because of its capability to reach large numbers of customers with just a single click.

For Instance a study showed in last year 2023- world wide digital marketers found that average ROI ( return on investment )  for email marketing is 36$ for every 1$ spent.

Research showed that ROI for four industries below was like this –

  • Retail, Economics & Consumer Goods  -45$
  • Marketing and Advertising Agencies -45$
  • Softwares And Technology -36$
  • Events, Sport, Entertainment, Publishing And Media -32$

There are various different types of platforms which businesses uses to do email marketing like –

  • Pepsipost 
  • Mailcot
  • Pabbly
  • Mailchimp

These are just a few among many others.Email marketing is all about timing, sometimes sending the right message at the right time is crucial and important for businesses like certain times of the year like holidays which are best for various kinds of offers to increase the sales of business Ex: Amazon’s big billion days sale.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) – 

digital marketing
social media marketing

According to Google, social media platforms have become powerful platforms for connecting with a large number of audiences. Various businesses uses platforms like facebook , instagram , snapchat , tiktok , twitter and many other for their promotion whether it is a service or a product.SMM also helps the businesses to build their brand image in the market among customer to that high point when they don’t need to promote their business in the traditional way of marketing which helps greatly in digital marketing.

The reason why SMM is so powerful in today’s society is because it’s a customer driven source of marketing which directly interacts with the customer and connects with them on a personal level. SMM mainly depends on 3V’s and that are Volume, Variety, Velocity.

How does Social Media Marketing work ?

  • Sets goals to clear the business objective.
  • Learn your target audience ( Age , Location , Job title , Industry , Income , Interest )
  • Conduct a competitive analysis of the competition.
  • Create a calendar for SMM content delivery.
  • Track performance and adjust the strategy accordingly.

SMM marketing heavily relies on viral marketing ( a technique heavily spread by word of mouth promotion ). Once a marketing message is shared and it reaches far beyond than it’s expected it is considered as viral marketing is used mainly in social media marketing.

Content Marketing –

digital marketing
content marketing

According to Google, Also as we all know, content is the king in the digital marketing world. By engaging in all kinds of blog posts , articles , videos or any kinds of infographics businesses share various kinds of information to customers. Content marketing not only establishes your brand as an authority in industry but also helps in growing your relationships with the customers to grow the base and in return grow their business.

Content Marketing heavily depends on the latest trends or we can apply the old saying here ( Keeping it with the jones ). If the content is unique and no one else in the market is providing it then it will surely attract a large number of people which in return help a business to take the first mover’s advantage and attain growth. 

Purpose Of Content Marketing –

  • Educating your audience about your product and services and their benefits.
  • Showing people about how and why your brand is the solution to their problem.
  • Building a community that revolves around your brand and the products or services they sell.
  • Maintaining and building lasting relationships with both potential and already existing customers.
  • It is also a great source to know what exactly your consumer wants for building any future product or service any business can introduce.

4 Tools Of Digital Marketing –

  • Google Analytics.
  • SEMrush.
  • Mailchimp.
  • Moz.

Google Analytics –

digital marketing
google analytics 

According to Google, This tool helps to collect data from your websites and apps to create a report that provides insights to your business and its currently implemented strategies.

This tool tracks the KPI ( key Performance Indicator ) as a bounce rate , session duration and conversion, marketers can make informed decisions to optimise their online presence. It also helps in not just understanding your audience but also helps in refining your current content or data or strategy for the best possible outcome in the future.

Key Features Of Google Analytics- 

  • Website traffic analysis.
  • Audience demographic and interests.
  • Conversion tracking.
  • Customisable reports and dashboards.

How to use Google Analytics-

  • Set up a google account if you don’t have one.
  • Install the tracking code on your website.
  • If your website has traffic then explore the various reports to gain valuable insights to your audience and campaign’s performance.

With Google analytics marketers can track their online efforts , help in identifying  the high value content and make data driven decisions instead of just assuming or based on others like their competitors.

SEMrush –

digital marketing

According to Google, This tool is an all in one SEO and SEM tool that provides valuable insights in keyword research , competitors analysis  and website performance.With this tool marketers can optimise their content for  search engines , track best keywords for their research , track keyword rankings and most of all refine their padi advertising campaigns.

Key Features Of SEMrush –

  • Keyword research and tracking.
  • Competitor Analysis.
  • Site audit for SEO optimisation.
  • PPC  (Pay Per Click ) Advertising Insights.
  • Backlink Analysis.
  • Helps in content marketing.
  • Best for achieving Organic results.

How to use SEMrush-

  • Set up a SEMrush account if you don’t have one.
  • Once logged in, explore what option you want to use and explore that option.
  • You can use magic tools to keyword analysis to find the best possible keywords for your campaign or your website in general or blogs.
  • Domain overview to get insights into organic search traffic., top keywords and backlinks profile.
  • Site audit to find technical SEO issues to your or your client’s website.

These are some of few among many other features given by SEmrush to its users.

Mailchimp –

digital marketing

According to Google, This tool is one of the most effective ways to engage with your audiences, natural leads and diverse  conversions. Mailchimp is a user-friendly email marketing platform that empowers businesses to create and forward email campaigns effortlessly.

With features like drag and drop designs and audience segmentation and detailed analytics , mailchimp helps marketers build and maintain a strong relationship between them and their subscribers.

Key Features Of Mailchimp-

  • Email campaign design and automation.
  • Audience Segmentation.
  • A/B testing for email optimisation.
  • Analytics and reporting.

How to use Mailchimp –

  • Create an account on mailchimp if you don’t have one.
  • Import your subscribers list.
  • Start designing a captivating email for your business to use.
  • Send the email to your list at one press of the button.
  • Monitor campaigns performance.
  • Use analytics to refine your strategy.

Moz –

digital marketing

According to Google, This tool is a powerhouse when it comes to optimising your website search engines. Moz offers a variety of tools including keyword research , site audit and link building analysis. By leveraging Moz’s insights marketers can identify relevant keywords , track their website search engine rankings and uncover opportunities to enhance theri online visibility. 

Moz provides valuable analytics to assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance in search engine results.

Key Features Of Moz-

  • Keywords Research.
  • Site Audit.
  • Link Building.
  • Rank Tracking.
  • On-Page Optimization.

How to use Moz –

  • Create a moz account if you don’t have one from their official account.
  • Choose which plan suits best for your business or needs and move forward to complete that account.
  • Site audit to find technical SEO issues to your or your client’s website.
  • Utilise Moz’s link building analysis to access your current backlink profile.
  • Address on page issues such as meta title , descriptions and headers.


Now I can definitely say in the ever evolving landscape of digital marketing, engaging in the right digital marketing techniques and tools are not only crucial but also essential for the success of your business. 

By including these in your toolkit you can get valuable insights and also most importantly stay with the latest trends in the marketing as we all know the field of digital marketing is constantly evolving and growing new techniques every single day.

Remember the key is to stay informed and adapt to changes and continuously refine your strategies based on the data you received from by using the techniques and tools you used.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)-

1. Why is it important for business ?

It involves using online channels to promote and advertise the products and services of the business. It is crucial to use this in order to get a wider audience for better results.

2. How SEO improves website’s visibility on search engines ?

It involves optimising website content using relevant keywords , improving site structure and building backlink for your or your client website.

3. How does SMM contribute to business growth ?

It allows business to connect with audiences, build brand awareness and online reputation for is very important in today’s society. It also helps in improving the effectiveness of online campaigns.

4. Are there any emerging trends in digital marketing that businesses should be aware of ?

Emerging trends are of many types in the market like artificial intelligence in marketing , voice search optimization , interactive content and increasing importance of video content. Staying in the loop  and informed about the latest trends in marketing helps businesses to keep up with the latest trends and also helps them to connect with the audience regularly and in more unique ways.

5. What are key metrics to track in digital marketing campaigns ?

Important metrics include traffic on website , conversion rates  , click through rates ( CTR ) , social media engagement and ( ROI ) return on investment. Monitoring these helps in increasing the effectiveness of business.

6. How can SMM be optimised for better engagement and conversion rates ? 

Learning about effective content strategies , timing and tools to enhance your social media presence and drive results.

7. Can you explain the significance of content marketing in digital strategies?

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract consumers. This includes blog posts , video and infographics and  more. Quality content establishes authority and contributes to SEO efforts.

8. How can businesses leverage marketing automation in their digital strategies ?

Marketing automation tools streamline repetitive tasks, such as email campaigns , lead generation and social media posting. By automating these processes businesses can save time , increase efficiency and deliver more personalised experiences to their consumers or audiences.

9. What role does analytics play in digital marketing ?

Understanding the importance of data driven decision making in digital marketing and exploring analytics tools for tracking and optimising campaigns performance and website traffic tracking.

10 .How can businesses ensure a seamless customer experience using digital tools ?

Implement customer relationship management ( CRM ) tools like Salesforce or HubSpot to manage customer interaction. Use chatbots for instant communication and gather feedback through online surveys to  continuously improve the consumer’s experience.

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