Today’s Atricle will show Digital Marketing Fast Ranking Tips Complete step-by step guide.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Refers to the marketing of Products and services of a company or business through digital channels such as search engines , website , email , Social media , mobile apps , etc . It involves the use of electronics and the internet.


Search engine optimization (SEO)

It is a process of improving the structure and content of your site and doing promotional activities to increase the traffic , and ranking on search engine result pages.

SEO is Further divided into TWO parts : ON-PAGE SEO & OFF-PAGE SEO


It Refers to all the Measures or Methods used by Website Owners within their Website to Increase the Traffic and Ranking of a Website on Search Engine Result Pages. within the Website means you deal with such Elements of SEO that are in your Control , Such as Meta Tags , Technical Tags , Content Quality, etc. So there should not be any delay in resolving on page SEO issues to maintain and improve the ranking. “DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS

A. important on page SEO factors.

  1. META TAGS : Meta tags are html tags that contain meta data and provide information about the content of a webpage. They tell what the page is about when it was updated, and who has created it. this information is very important in terms of SEO as it helps search engine crawlers understand and index the page These tags are placed inside the head section of a HTML, page, e g. meta tag The hers who visit your site can’t see these tags, but the search engine can see them for indexing and deciding the ranking of your site.

There are mainly three types of meta tags:

1. Meta Title: It is the title tag which is also your page title. It appears on the title bar of the browser window in search engine result pages

2. Meta Description Tag: it is the summary of the information contained in your page. It is displayed below the URL of your page when your URL appears on the search engine result pages in response to the search query made by a user.

3. Meta Keywords tag: This meta tag contains all of your key keywords related to the content of your page

2) Page Length: The search engine prefers long pages to rank higher than short pages. It knows that users do not get satisfied with basic information. Instead, they expect a full explanation.

3) Outbound Links: You can give links of other sites on your page that provide similar information It may act as a trust factor for Google.

4) Internal Links: Interlinks your popular pages to new pages so that traffic from one page may be diverted to other pages. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

5) ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS ” Canonical Tag: This tag is used to prevent the duplicate issues that arise when you have two URLs with similar content. It tells Google that two or more pages with similar content are equivalent to one another and belong to the original page

6) Image Optimization: Image is required to be optimized using alt text, description, etc Additionally, instead of naming your image as “image1 jpg’ use descriptive filenames, for example, boy-playing-in-the-park. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

7) Sitemap: A sitemap is created for a site. It helps search engines in indexing pages of your site.

8) Content: The content of your pages should be unique, relevant, and the latest and should be related to highly searched topics, keywords, etc.

9) URL Optimization: Keep your URL less than 255 characters, and use hyphens to separate different parts of the URL Additionally, it should be short, descriptive, and contain your main keywords. For example, -for-beginners. Also, optimize the structure of URL by making categories that help search engines and users to find the content with ease. For example, Homepage>Social Media Facebook Post. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

10) Mobile Friendliness: Around 60% searches in Google are made through mobile phones and other such devices. So, make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

11) Header Tags: Use H1, H2, and H3 tags to structure your content and include keywords.


Although Off-page optimization has the same objective of increasing traffic, it is different from On- page optimization. In On-Page SEO, we deal with the factors that are in our control, i.e., within the website, but in Off-page SEO, the measures are taken outside the site, which is not in the control of a website owner such as blog submission, article submission, forum posting, etc.


Off-Page SEO techniques mainly deal with increasing the links to a site which is called Link popularity. These links can be internal or external. The internal links come from your own webpages.
and external links come from other websites or webpages. high link popularity indicates that you have more connection to your site , which is a plus for SEO Some important off page SEO techniques to increase link popularity are as:

  1. Influencer Outreach : If your content is unique , relevant and the latest you should share it whith influencers in your industry. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

2. Guest Posting : There are many authors or blogs that allow you to submit your post or content as A GUEST YOUR WEBPAGE OR BLOG POST ON their sites if you have written quality content , you can post it there to get backlink from them.

3. Social Bookmark Submission : There are many social bookemark submission sites where you can upload your webpage or blog post containing a link to your site to drive traffics to your site

4. Video Submission : You can creat videos with proper title description tags and reference links submit them to video submission sites to get backlinks. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

5. Image Submission : you can share your image in various image submission sites. but don’t forget to optimize your image with the relvent title tag url , alt tag, description etc.

Content Guidelines

The success of a website mainly depends on the quality of content it offers to its visitors. In SEO, lity content refers to a content which not only appeals to readers but also to the search engines.

A. Some important guidelines to create quality content (part of DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS)

1) Choose the best keywords

Your pages must have the keywords related to your product, services or concept as from the Bywords the search engine gets to know about the nature and type of your website. Accordingly. search engine ranks your website in the result pages for the related queries. So, conduct a orough keyword research before you start writing content. You can take the help of various eyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, SEMRUSH, etc.

2) Original/unique content

Incorporating relevant keyword is not enough; your content must be original and unique. It should or be copied from any other site otherwise your website will be penalized by the search engine.” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “

3) Have enough words

Your webpages must have enough words. They should not be filled with lots of images, symbols and negative space. Pages with less content and more images are not considered optimized for SEO and rarely found on the first page of the search engines.

4) Optimum keyword density

Avoid keyword stuffing, overusing keywords will not please readers or the search engine. They will understand your intentions that you are only concerned about rankings not about the quality of content. So, maintain an optimum density of keywords for better results.

5) Short paragraphs

Big paragraphs do not appeal users, so even if you have provided relevant information the users may not even read your page. The paragraph sizes restricted to four to five lines are considered deal for SEO.

6) Bullets and numbering

Most of the readers generally have short attention span and are not willing to read the entire page. They look for bullet points to get the meaningful information in less time, so whenever possible use crisp and concise bullets or numbering to make your page more attractive and readable

7) Relevant linking

Your content should be hyperlinked to the relevant pages. If your content is linked to a page which is offering different information then it would annoy the readers and you could lose your credibility.

8) Proof read content

Even if you have good typing skills or experience in writing you could make mistakes while writing. So, carefully proofread your content at least twice before publishing. It will help you eliminate all the errors in your content.

Content Optimization ( Part of ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “)

Content optimization a process of making your webpages more appealing to search engines and user it is not only restricted to using best keywords in your pages but also focuses on various other parts of your website like the quailty of content broken links , title tag , meta tags etc. Once your content is optimization the search engine can easily find and index your website and show up it in the pages of search results

A. Focus on the following areas for better content optimisation

  1. Title Tag: It refers as the title of your page or post which incorporated in the head of the HTML cods of a page. It appears at the top of the page on the result pages or when you promote your page on social media. The tale tags with are concise accurate and relevant are considered best for content optimization. According to SEO experts, an idea title tag should be between 50760 characters long, characters describe the content on the page and must have targeted keyword at the beginning of the time tap. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “
  2. Meta description : It is the information which Google display on a result page under the title tag summary of the information contained in your pages. users got a preview of the page before they click Try to keep the length of your meta description around 150 characters including spaces for better reltus Meta description is written by you and if you don’t write meta description the Google compose the meta description from the content of your page.
  3. Meta keywords : You can leave them blank as since 2009 they are not in use. If you use tham your competitors can get a clue about your targeted keywords, You cati use them if your intemat ste search needs them. ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “


You should use the targeted keywords and phrases at the right places throughout the site, i e , body
text, headlines, headers, meta description, links, etc. Proper keyword placement is important of
every page but it is more important on the home page as it is a gateway and introduction to the rest
of the pages of your site .


The navigation must be user – friendly so that users can easily find the desired information in jess time. moving from one step to another step should be simple and quick

Some of the useful practices to optimize your site area:

  1. The primary navigation should be at or near the top of your pages.
  2. Add navigation options in the footer of web page.
  3. Add breadcrumb on every page to make users aware of their navigation .
  4. Add a search box near the top of your page to enable users search by keywords .
  5. Officer limited navigation options on a page to enble users search by keywords.

3. URL’S and Filenames

URL should be SEO optimized so that search engine can easily indentify it there are a number of ways to optimize a URL such as. “DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS”

  1. Incorporate keyword in the URL so that it could clearly tell what is on pages.
  2. Minimize its length to make it easier for the users to copy and paste.
  3. Don’t use URL that contant random letters on numbers.

4. Images

Website images are an important aspect of SEO and should be optimixed for faster loading and search engine visibilty some of the practices to optimize images

  1. The size of image should be small 30? 100 kb size and 72 dpi resolution are considered optimal for website images.
  2. Images should be placed in context to the information on the pages there should be relvent content around an image .
  3. Use proper ait tags for the images as the search engine can only see words not the image so instead of using ait tags like “image” or “screenshot” use a phrase that contains a keywords describes the images. DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS “help for you”

Here : Answer to your question ” DIGITAL MARKETING FAST RANKING TIPS ” If you want to more information go to this website


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